Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Cigarettes cause Cancer.
Tears, however, cure cancer.
Being a GOTH
Break even.


I hate to break this to you, Death Cab for Cutie, but that is not the sound of settling.

That... is the sound of the Turtles breaking it down.


I have been SUCKING lately in almost all aspects of life. I've fallen behind on the whole "writing reviews" thing in a BIG way, I haven't worked on the script at all for the film I wanted to get done this summer, I haven't updated here in the internet equivalent of a short dynasty, Viewtiful Joe is a fucking wrench of a video game, and there is a cancer sore (or chancer sore, if you prefer) underneath my bottom lip that is threatening to hurt more than a direct shot through the testicle. Thank god for Orabase and, to a lesser extent, the artistic imperative and need for inspiration, etc.

There is, however, a lighter side of the news I have to report, and while this may seem somewhat frivolous so soon after its sound denouncement, it is nonetheless true, and therefore bears report.

Though I cannot remember how it came about (best guesses stem from boredom and an unusual predisposition for caffeinated beverages and snack-treats), it came to be that I was on the internet reading about the Lewis Carroll poem "The Jabberwocky." At the risk of being gay, I love this poem. I really do. If one can be said to have a favorite poem, as one could be said to have a favorite anything, than this would certainly be mine. Manxome. Gallumph. Mimsy.

Oh yes, love it I do indeed. And anything to do with it, as it turns out. There was one site I found, however, that seemed to know more about things having to do with it than, let's say, God.
The site listed each and every reference to the poem ever made in the history of mankind, or at least seemed to think it did, and one of these references, much to my delight, was on the Muppet Show. Evidently, the Hensonites had done a dramatization of the poem for an episode with Brooke Shields. Brooke Shields?

Brooke Shields.

In addition, the report indicated that the Jabberwocky itself was made Muppet into the manifestation of the famous Tenniel illustration.


But how to see this episode? No channels really show any episodes of the classic Muppet Show anymore, and even if they did, what were my chances of catching the correct one?

Did I dare check Netflix, knowing even its immnse databse was limited from my previous inquiries regarding rare and obscure titles? Did I dare look specifically for the episode starring Brooke Shields, let alone ensuring their possession of any one of the Muppet Show tapes? Did I dare dream?

I did!

And I was rewarded for my incredulous faith! Not only did they have the episode I needed, but the entire collection of the Muppet Show's tapings, and I recieved theDVD containing my precious playlet the next day! I watched the whole thing! Including the Jabberwocky! IT WAS AWESOME!

Anyway, I'm inordinately happy about getting to see that, rather than having it forever lodges in the ever-growing "how-would-that-be" section of my mind, let alone the fact that it was basically one of the most vicerally pleasing things that I could personally hope to percieve. Certain things will always appeal to me. Spartans, Voodoo, and the Jabberwocky are at the top of that list.

So here's the thing. Without the help of the internet, I never would have seen that episode (indeed, might have even forgot about its existence), and would not have been afforded the immense giddiness I now feel. The internet, perhaps sensing my displeasure and disappointment, had saw fit to return itself to a position of admiration in my eye.

And so, I hereby return your title, internet. I return your lands and rights, and all priviledges thereto. May you continue to serve me well, and may our days be long and happy.

Well done, the Internet.

Well done indeed.

Did gire and gimble in the wabe.


Blogger Ol' Peg Leg said...

Its spelt Canker Sore... If it makes you feel any better, i am so tired right now my eyes are going cross-eyed. No, I dont use drag and drop to post those pictures, I use www.photobucket.com . And I will now spread the word about your blog. I am sure it will catch like wildfire, the only reason I hadnt done it before was cause I didnt think you would want me to...


11:44 PM  
Blogger Ol' Peg Leg said...

AND ALSO... Illegal downloads my friend, its the wave of the future... You could have downloaded those episodes withen seconds off of KAZAA or something of that nature.


12:16 AM  
Blogger DeadLanguage said...

Does no one notice or, indeed, care, that the hideous monster in the above illustration is wearing a rather smart and dashing vest? No one else minds? It's only me? AGAIN?


1:40 AM  
Blogger Ol' Peg Leg said...

settle down... i just figgured he was GAY!

You toyed with my emotions today, and for that i will pee in your gas tank. The SCHEDUAL for work said you worked today, and Anwar didnt, so i assumed you were duty manager, but... you never showed. I figured you just blew us off... then i realized (after I talked with your dad) that you were prolly working off site somewhere... BULL SHIT!

AND ALSO, there was a fire in the park across the street from DSC today. a suspicious fire... where exactly were you today?

and what is your email address? mine is AV8TORMN@yahoo.com

1:46 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

You'll probably never read this, as it is two years in passing... however the seasons one and two of the muppet show are on DVD. I'm sure you knew this. In reality this massage is pointless.


12:32 PM  

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