Sunday, August 13, 2006


Today's installment, in what is now being described as the longest stall tactic in the history of journaling, is culled directly from the textbook for the Spanish 2 class I'm taking.

Capitulo Trece (Chapter 13) deals mainly with a grim dystopian future fraught with inequity and rife with Orwellian rule at the hands of a merciless "shadow government." In this chapter, we learn helpful phrases that will allow us to better deal with our inevitable and wholly terrifying fates, as well as see examples of the pastiche of horror that awaits us in the years to come.


Capitulo Trece: El Fin del Mundo



persecucion - persecution
soldado de caballería tormenta - storm trooper
botas de jotas - jackboots
penas - woe


estrangular - to choke
machacar - to stomp
huir - to flee
someter - to submit
ceder - to give up (hope)


macabro - horrible
temeroso - terrifying
hambriento - hungry
balazo - shot


Look at the pictures below. Do it. What is happening in each picture? Well? You will tell me what you know.

Can you tell what is happening in each of these scenes? Start praying to whatever God you still cling to if you can't.

In #1, Maria has decided to rebel against Our Great Father (Forever Exist the Great Father) and refuses to drink the Emotophy® elixir prescribed to all post-pubescent citizens. In throwing the bottle to the ground, she has not only shown herself as a mind-traitor, and a danger to our society, but a litterer. In #2, her husband Esteban prepares the family bicycle (limit one per household, as too much frivolity can lead to capricious feeling). Maria lost her family's combustion-vehicle privileges the previous year after refusing to allow her vehicle to be searched at a routine toll stop, after which she and her husband spent six months in a reorientation camp while their children were placed under the care of the Pedicorps®. They have yet to be reunited.

Maria will now have to attempt an escape from the compound on the bicycle her husband has kept in top working condition for just such an occasion. Will he be the one to save her from the Municipal Police?

No, he will not.

In #3, we see the need to quell the rebelliousness inherent in human nature exemplified by a child's flight from his PCR® (Procedural Coital Repression) injection which occurs every three months from the ages of ten(10) through Dead(Ø) or until selected by the Commitee for Genitive Concerns for one of the many breeding programs. Sorry, little Johnny, you will never know the touch of a woman in this life, or the exquisite pleasures of physical love. Once cornered, the AdminMPs will give Johnny his PCR, and inject a slow-release sedative capsule that will render his rambunctiousness into an agreeable, near-catatonic state for the next five or so years. Little Johnny won't be running in the halls again for quite some time!

Here, in the simple tableau of #4, we see a doctor who, by the influx of better-trained and harder-working foreign medical personnel, was submitted to a sub-standard medical education in order to keep up and therefore is virtually unemployable, even in the face= of the Citizen Resource Allocation Initiative®'s efforts. Here, he has been brought so low that he can no longer even find the key to his beloved narcotics locker and, unable to stop the pain, will most likely take his own life by the end of the business day.

We bear silent witness, in #5, to the death of biological science's crumbling morality. The Autonomorph© used by this civic repair unit has fallen victim to one of the strange diseases that have been bred out of the creation of such an abomination to God and Man. The half-beast, half-machine conveyances which constitute the majority of the municipality's means of travel carried with them the promise of a new and untapped resource, as well as the breeding and inundation of new viruses, bacteria, and parasites which have adapted to their unique anatomies of creature and machination. As the... thing breathes its final exhalations, and as the disorder takes its final hold, in vain the Mechanarian® attempts to procure a remedy from a local Phramechanix. He is not aware of the high level clearance this transport holds, and therefore will not give aid without the proper documentation. While normally this act of cold bureaucracy would be congratulated in this cool and unfeeling world, the loss of an Autonomorph© will require accountability, and the non-ranking Citizen will most likely bear the full brunt of the Straightmen's wrath (Municipal Police Special Assignment Unit). O what a terrible Science that has delivered this fresh hell upon us!

From a young age, each Citizen is intensively trained for what will be their eventual Life Role©, an example of which can be seen in #6. All Citizens are taken from their parents at the age of four, screaming in the night, and brought to the Pedicorps® Sorting Facility to be assigned their terminal Life Role©. Often, the training and preparation for a child's Role© need only take a few years, but in all cases there are exceptions. Many positions in the Great Father's grand social vision (Forever Exist the Great Father) require a lifetime of study, as in the case above. These girls have just begun their training to eventually take their place among the Fellen: Personal Honor Guard and Task Force of the Great Father (Forever Exist the Great Father). Answering only to Arch-Constable Rein-Richter (Forever Exist He Who Serves the Great Father) and the Great Father himself (FETGF), this elite cadre of frighteningly efficient and devastatingly lethal women are chosen for their lack of emotional connection, their sociopathic tendencies, and their inability to refuse commands, all skills which will be honed, edged, and tempered over the following twenty years. Holding authority over even Rein-Richter's Straightmen (FEHWSTGF), the girls are designed to be soulless machines, the apex and fulcrum of the social-military will of their leader. Here, we see two young specimens, being trained by one of the few retired Fellen selected to continue their tradition of merciless, obedient violence. The two trainees learn that nothing in their world will last, nothing that brings them pleasure will stay with them, that everything can be taken and destroyed, even their favorite porcelain dolls. As hoped, the girls begin to take out their aggression on other targets desginated as proper outlets, like Armless Man, and Mr. Flops. They will make excellent soldiers in the New Consortium.

Nearby, a bear winks at you knowingly.



Close Book. Feel free to spend this time staring blindly at your home's Viewing Wall©, thinking calming thoughts.


Man, I'm glad we got this wall.