Sunday, November 13, 2005

Of Majuscules and Uncials


-What does it mean about a man when he scans the archives of his favorite webcomics, looking for whatever posts were put up on September 11 of any year? 2001, if they have it?

-Montague easily becomes the word "montage" simply by removing the letter "u." A "Montague Montage" would be a series of short clips showing Romeo attending the Capulet's party, Old Montague heeding the Prince's words of warning, Romeo climbing to Juliet's window, Romeo killing Tybalt, fleeing to Mantua, and then killing himself. This falls under the category of "Things Which Wouldn't Quite be Funny Enough in their Actualy Incarnation to Follow Through With.

-Mr. Hyde, the sinister alter-ego of Dr. Jekyll in the notorious Robert Louis Stevenson book, can have the letters in his name (Mr. Hyde) rearranged to form the word "rhymed." Having discovered ths fact years ago, I had intended to use it in a story in which modern forensic scientists, using urban legend, newly found evidence, a rare copy of Stevenson's book, and a wacky new intern with radical ideas, learn that Jack the Ripper was actually Stevenson's alter-ego whom he'd created using much the same system as Dr. Jekyll did in his most famous novel-cum-confession. This peice falls under the category of "No."

-John Cassavetes was in a film called Rosemary's Baby, directed by Roman Polanski, in which his character allies himelf with an antagonistic if seemingly harmless old man named "Roman Castevet." I always thought the character's name was a strange combination of the leading man and the director, which lends itself to even more oddity when a huge plot point of the film is that Roman's name, the letters rearranged, spells the name of a known witch. I don't know if I'd be cool with making a movie where the lead character is a child pornographer named... my name... reversed... or something.

Also, the letter "A," as I remember it, was written in picto-form as a bull's head. I saw this as a child in the dictionary, and I always thought it was pretty cool.

So. Now you know.