Sunday, December 05, 2004


The rise of commercially available digital media in the country above old-fashioned film stock is largely, I believe, the result of the public's insatiabe-if-not-exposed enfatuation with amateur pornography.

There is nothing in the above sentence that I am against, incidentally.

Buying photographic paper to print your digitally-taken pictures on, buying the camera to begin with (though inarguably the one-time large investment pays off over time... should the machine continue to function), the occasional expensive replacement of memory chips and the upkeep of the various machines needed to garner these images roughly equals the same amount as it would to buy film and have the film developed at, say, Sav-On. So why the switch to digital?

It begins, as does so many things, with porn.

The idea of being able to print your own pictures without having to take them to be developed by someone else is essential for your average amateur pornographer. By nature the at-home-porn-producers are timid, perhaps a little embarrassed, and would rather not recieve the look of quiet comprehension conveying nothing but "ah yes, here's the porn guy." Worse, attempting to have them developed at a morally-righteous vendor, which would actively destroy the prints or refuse to have them made. I myself personally know someone who used to work at a one-hour photo developing kiosk who would make doubles of every risque' photo that came through his workplace.

Upon seeing these pictures (and, oh yes, I did see them) was not the amount of people in the stack that I'd gone to high school with (sweet lord) but how many pictures there were. There must have been hundreds, thousands of people patronizing that kiosk alone that were practicing amateur porn! Imagine how many there were citywide! Statewide! Imagine how many weren't just because of a fear of loss of privacy! Imagine how JUSTIFIED they were!

But now, with the advent of digital photography, these people need no longer hide in the dark. Need no longer fear the faceless photo-developer. Need no longer deny their desires. Digital photography ensures pictures of equal quality to film processing (should you even decide to print them onto paper, when information CDs full of your smut of choice is so much easier and secure) while allowing nothing but total privacy.

For the most part, it's cheaper. Or it's easier than having to use the one-hour-photo. Occasionally, it might even be because of an avid interest in the visual arts. A chunk of the population can actually truthfully say that everyone else was getting one, or they became so popular, that they just HAD to get a digital camera. And there are people out there who use digital photography without the porn angle, solely because it was the new media and they decided to jump on the bandwagon.

But digital photography for the masses was started, and is continued, in the name of all those little pictures you don't want anyone else to see.

Or, with the help of the internet, you want everyone to see. For $5.99 a month.

And, for the latter choice, in the long run, it's better than buying a scanner.

Porn Bingo, coming soon.


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