Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Velmanette; Nozzolio

I. am. so smart! I. am. so smart!

Today marks the first day I attempted succeeded in typing up a paper and printing it out at the Computer Lab here on campus... mere minutes before it was due! Good thing and bad thing. Good: Now I know I can do this, while before I may have been nervous or worried I wouldn't be able to do it. Just a little gunshy about the whole thing, I think. Bad: Now that I know I don't have to necessarily be home to type a paper, I doubt I'll be finishing any assignment much eariler than five minute before the thing is due. I know me, and me is laaaazzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Except when it comes to typing "e"s. Then I'm feeeeeeeeeeeerveeeeeeeeeeeeent.

The paper, if you care to know, was on two State Senators from New York, and their particular stances on various issues and how it looks reflected on their gender and blee blah blee... the point is this: Their names are Velmanette Montgomery and Michael F. Nozzolio. I mean... really people. Really. My name is that of a superhero, but even if you can't have an awesome name like me, can't you at least get a regular name? A utilitarian name? A nice Spartan monicker that won't cause people to vomit spastically as soon as they hear it? Velmanette? Nozzolio? It's like dialogue from A Clockwork Orange. Burgess couldn't have written it better. Even the founder of the Mormon religion was named Joseph Smith. True, Mormons... but even as a cult that Smith guy had a lot of sway. SMITH! HIS NAME WAS SMITH!

Nozzolio. Honestly. Velmanette.

From now on your names are Sarah WITH-AN-AICHE Montgomery and Micheal NO MIDDLE INITIAL Brown. Congratulations. Enjoy the normal lives and non-traumatic childhoods I've given you both.

The Mrs. has imposed upon me a deadline to finish editing in total the documentary I shot but never got around to actually putting together. God only knows how I'm going to get it done. Hard work, I guess, but who knows what the hell that is, in this day and country? I suppose I'll be giving up every weekend between now and the deadline, which, I believe, is in about three weeks. One hand comes out, holding my anxiousness and inability to achieve... my various psychoses and my almost crippiling self-defeatist nature. The other hand, palm down, holds dangling from my fingers the need and desire to finish the project. The overwhelming passion for creation.

I'm pretty sure this will end up like every project I undertake, every book I read and every class I enroll in. Really, every challenge I decide to go up against. It looks impossible, and I assume it's impossible, and I can't believe I'd ever actually be able to do it, but something makes me try, even to fail, just try (this time, it would be the love of my life in a quite insisting manner) and I get sucked into it and end up doing a good job at it.

I only hope I do it enough justice that Sho deserves. It's about him, so to make the documentary, after flying out to New York over and over again, and to not have it make him happy, or to not have it represent him accurately or appropriately would be a total waste of time. But then, I have a much different opinion as to the point or purpose of documentaries than most people. What really worries me in the possibility that, should I finish and should I succeed, the concept of the documentary may become expected of me, and fictional film, narrative film, is really where my heart lies.

Maybe I'm thinking too far ahead, though.



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