Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Fancy dinner was a smashing success, with only a slight bit of over-planning on the part of myself and the Mrs. I give all credit to her on a lot of the actual design of the decoration, though my prowess at boutaneer creation is unsurpassed (the skills I possess surprise even me). Just the same, fantastic success and a ton of fun. Definitely worth doing again.

I say the previous only as a mention to current events.

The Mrs. and I share a work environment, and the people there, while by and large good, are prone to gossip, one of the favorite bits of gossip being that the Mrs., in a past life, had relations with another staff member there. A rather unsavory character, to be generous.

Since we're dealing with such messy subject matter, I'll attempt to drop my natural affectations and deal with the problem at hand. I know, off the cuff, that it's wrong to care about that stuff. The past is the past, and all that matters between two people is what they've built together. Also, as a friend of mine pointed out, in his ever-sagely wisdom, what she's done in the past is not who she is, but what has made what she's become, which I think is extraordinarily intelligent (I expect no less from one of my two smart friends). On top of all of this, I know the guy this rumor concerns, and I know the woman I'm in love with, and I'm much more prone to believing the guy is full of shit than that my one and only is the kind of person who would engage in the kind of stuff the rumors outline. Unpleasant business, to be sure.

This all being said, objective addressing of the situation exercised, it still bothers me. Not as much as when I first heard it, certainly not as much as before I talked to my highly gifted advisor friend, but it niggles me, nonetheless. And yes, it shouldn't bother me, and yes, in my heart of hearts I don't think it's remotely true, and yes, I try to handle the situation well at work so no one will expect our involvement, since we obviously don't want those people talking about us.

But it still bothers me.

And that being said, I have realized something about myself.

I am a bundle of insecurities and psychoses.

Short, home, and e.e.


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